Our Mission:
Glorifying God by bringing hope, help, and reconciliation through Christ!
Our mission is joining God in bringing all things back to Himself under the headship of the King He has appointed over the nations- Jesus Christ!
On the one hand, every local church is called to be the SAME... all of us committed to the God of the Gospel, His revealed and written Word- the Bible, the Great Command (Matthew 22:36-40), and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
On the other hand, every local church is called to be DIFFERENT- reflecting the LEADERSHIP God has anointed and appointed to lead that local church and the PEOPLE that God has called that local church to serve, reach, and impact.
Some of the things that perhaps make our local church unique from other authentically Christian churches is captured in the words "hope", "help", and "reconciliation".
Hope says that tomorrow can be better than today. We are a church that aspires to help people EXPERIENCE God and His hope on the inside. Our music, messages, and ministry is typically uplifting and encouraging as a way for us to help people experience this hope and continue looking upward and moving forward by God's grace.
What good is HOPE, if it is only experienced INTERNALLY but not met with help EXTERNALLY? We are a church that is passionate about making a TANGIBLE difference also and helping people in the broad spectrum of needs in life. It is a part of our DNA to do our best to help people BEYOND Sunday mornings to improve their lives. We are passionate and committed to inspire and help people get their health on point, to get their money up, to assist with bills when there are needs (starting with our members first and moving beyond that as we are able), to help people when they are moving or transitioning, to provide support and counsel in the broad needs of life, to strengthen relationships and families, and to impact and add value to the community through enrichment events and service.
The Cross of Jesus symbolizes His reconciling work. He came to reconcile us VERTICALLY (between God and man) and also HORIZONTALLY (between man and man, ethnic group to ethnic group, culture to culture, community to community, generation to generation). We are an INTENTIONALLY diverse church that is laboring to bring people TOGETHER in Christ across the lines that so often divide us. This shapes the way that we do music, our messages, and ministry on multiple levels. In our Sunday Services, you will typically hear contemporary Christian music, traditional hymns, as well as old-school Black Gospel, and Christian hip hop all in the same setlist. In our sermons don't be surprised to hear the Scriptures, Martin Luther the Reformer, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Lil' Wayne the rapper, and the dad from the children's cartoon Bluey all in the same message.
We are an authentically Christian church that is bringing hope, help, and reconciliation through Christ!
Our Core Commitments:
1) Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
2) Making healthy disciples of Jesus
3) Holistically improving lives
4) Empowering people to thrive in their gifts and calling
5) Equipping families
6) Serving and enriching the community
7) Laboring for reconciliation and bringing people together across the lines that divide us
8) Giving tangible support and love to those who need it most
9) Being real and redemptive, never rigid and religious
10) Furthering God's Kingdom purposes in the world!