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2nd Corinthians 12:1-10 |  "11 Herbs and Spices" |  Pastor Jazz Cathcart

2nd Corinthians 12:1-10 | "11 Herbs and Spices" | Pastor Jazz Cathcart

"That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." -2nd Corinthians 12:10 Mannnnnnnnn LISTEN. Before I had ever even HEARD of pre-blessed chicken and waffle fries at Chic-fi-la, I was team Kentucky Fried Chicken all DAY! For a season of my childhood, I actually grew up directly across the street from a Bojangles and a KFC. Yes, I lived at 526 N. New Hope Rd in Gastonia, North Carolina and to this DAY, there is STILL a Bojangles and KFC across the street! My auntie worked at the Bojangles and would bring my friends and I chicken strips and seasoned fries, sometimes twice a WEEK! But when I had it MY way… I would have the KFC Original RECIPE! It was truly SOMETHING about that secret blend of 11 herbs and spices that ministered to ya boi’s SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally smile THINKING about those times, lol! KFC has a real clean, concise version of the story they share in their marketing material, about how Colonel Sanders perfected the recipe and began the restuarant. Harlan Sanders was born in 1890. He left his home in Indiana at the age of 13 to enter the big world of opportunity and create his fortune. After short term stints working- among other things, as a farmer, firefighter, railroad worker, and insurance salesman, in the 1930s he was running a service station in Corbin Kentucky. After finding that his hungry customers had nowhere to eat for miles, he began selling fried chicken meals like the ones he had growing up. The birth of the titan Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise was upon us and the rest is history!!! But there is more in that history worth knowing! KFC doesn’t share some of the most potent details because customers are focused on jumping into a bucket of chicken! But it turns out, the REASON Colonel Sanders ever learned to cook in the FIRST place was because his father died when young Harlan was 5 years old, and he HAD to cook in order to feed his siblings while his mother worked multiple jobs to make ends meet. The secret blend of 11 herbs and spices that would change America, was strength being perfected in the midst of weakness. And that’s exactly what the Apostle Paul said was his recipe for the Anointing on his incomparably powerful life and ministry. ..................... If this message adds value to your life, hit that like button, subscribe, and share with someone you care about. May God BLESS you! Hope City Sermons is a ministry of Hope City Fellowship, an authentically Christian, intentionally-diverse church based in Asheville, North Carolina that officially launched in November 2021. Our mission- "Glorifying God by bringing hope, help, and reconciliation through Christ!" To learn more or to support our ministry, visit our website at ............. #HopeHelpAndReconciliation #HopeCityFellowship #PastorJazzionCathcart #JazzCathcart
James 1:19-27 | "Look haaaarder" | 'Back That Thang Up' THE SERMON SERIES | Pastor Jazz Cathcart

James 1:19-27 | "Look haaaarder" | 'Back That Thang Up' THE SERMON SERIES | Pastor Jazz Cathcart

"But whoever looks intently into the Perfect Law that gives freedom, and continues in it- not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it- they will be blessed in what they do." -James 1:25 Simba, now a young adult lion- looking down into a small pool of water and seeing his own reflection hears the joyful, jovial baboon Rifiki tell him gently, “Look haaaaaaarder.” Simba looks more intensely into the mirror and begins to see and hear his father Mufasa speaking to him through the reflection. “You have forgotten me Simba. When you forgot who YOU are, you forgot ME… You must take your place in the Circle of Life Simba… You are my Son… Rememberrrrrr.” Simba is deeply moved by what he sees and hears and realizes that he must now go back and face his past, and a powerful foe- the lion Scar who destroyed his family. But he becomes afraid to do so. He says, “I can’t go back and face my past. The past is the PAST! It doesn’t matter!” Rifiki the priest quickly smacks him over the head with his staff! Simba says, “HEY!!!!! What was THAT for?!!!!!!” “It was in the past so it doesn’t matter!” He swings again, this time Simba DUCKS! Rifiki says, “The way I see it, you can run from it, or you can learn from it.” James, the half-brother of Jesus Christ- critic turned Christ Ambassador via his brother’s literal Resurrection from the dead… told his readers, “When you look intensely into the mirror of God’s Word, you will begin to hear the voice of your Father in Heaven speaking to you”... “and you will be powerfully blessed if you not only HEAR Him, but Do what He is says.” Principles: 1) Righteousness 2) Ridiculous 3) Religious ...................... If this message adds value to your life, hit that like button, subscribe, and share with someone you care about. May God BLESS you! Hope City Sermons is a ministry of Hope City Fellowship, an authentically Christian, intentionally-diverse church based in Asheville, North Carolina that officially launched in November 2021. Our mission- "Glorifying God by bringing hope, help, and reconciliation through Christ!" To learn more or to support our ministry, visit our website at ............. #HopeHelpAndReconciliation #HopeCityFellowship #PastorJazzionCathcart #JazzCathcart
"Honey I shrunk the kids!" | Next Time Won't You Sing with Me! | Pastor Jazz Cathcart

"Honey I shrunk the kids!" | Next Time Won't You Sing with Me! | Pastor Jazz Cathcart

Honey I Shrunk the Kids was a blockbuster HIT in 1989! It tells the fantastic fictional story of a scientist who accidentally shrunk his children and a few of the neighborhood kids with a shrink ray that he hadn't quite dialed in yet. When he shrunk the kids and they are unknowingly swept up and put into a garbage bag and taken to the street for the weekly pickup, they make their way out of the garbage and into the front yard, but now have the overwhelming task of trekking through the yard, into the house, and up to their dad's attic laboratory again in order to be zapped back to size- but must navigate monstrous bumble bees, angry ants, and the deluge producing sprinkler system along the way. Although at times they absolutely wanted to give up, the need and the mission were far, far, far too great to give up. They needed strength, encouragement, and wisdom. And that's what we see going on within Hebrews chapter 10, and our lives today. Jewish people in the first century who became followers of the Messiah Jesus found themselves overwhelmed at their opposition and adversity. Some of them were tempted to shrink back and to turn their backs on Jesus and return to Judaism in order to get away from the overwhelming adversity they faced... ridicule, rejection, getting their homes and assets confiscated, and imprisonment. However, the writer to the Hebrews encourages them, and challenges them... Jesus didn't shrink back in coming to SAVE us, and we can not and will not shrink back in living for and serving HIM! He goes on to insist that they practice a fundamental of the faith in order to be strengthened and encouraged and equipped for the adversity they faced... Faithfully, and consistently locking in on... Church attendance. Passage: Hebrews 10:19-39 Points: 1) Hard 2) Help ................ If this message adds value to your life, hit that like button, subscribe, and share with someone you care about. May God BLESS you! Hope City Sermons is a ministry of Hope City Fellowship, an authentically Christian, intentionally-diverse church based in Asheville, North Carolina that officially launched in November 2021. Our mission- "Bringing hope, help, and reconciliation through Christ!" To learn more or to support our ministry, visit our website at ............. #HopeHelpAndReconciliation #HopeCityFellowship #PastorJazzionCathcart #JazzCathcart
"Give me three hours to chop down a tree" | Next Time Won't You Sing With Me | Pastor Jazz Cathcart

"Give me three hours to chop down a tree" | Next Time Won't You Sing With Me | Pastor Jazz Cathcart

Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying, "Give me three hours to chop down a tree and I'll spend the first two hours sharpening the axe." The wisdom here is to say, it doesn't matter how much strength one has, or how much endurance one has, if he has a dull blade. When we sharpen the ax, the work goes much faster and is much, much, much more fruitful. This is very similar to what the author of Psalm 5... King David, the legendary giant-slayer, singer-songwriter, turned dynastic ruler and biblical progenitor, said in his now famous song written for a mass choir to be accompanied by the flute. He said that having a meaningful, one-on-one time with Almighty God at the BEGINNING of the day, was absolutely critical to both his EFFECTIVENESS in his daily life as well as his INTIMACY with the Divine King of the Universe who GAVE him success, salvation, and the satisfaction of his soul. A MEANINGFUL, one-on-one time with God every single day is one of the ABCs of following Jesus. When we learn our ABCs, so much else opens up for us as we walk and work with Him to impact our world for good and for His glory. Passage: Psalm 5:1-12 Points: 1) Effectiveness 2) Intimacy ................ If this message adds value to your life, hit that like button, subscribe, and share with someone you care about. May God BLESS you! Hope City Sermons is a ministry of Hope City Fellowship, an authentically Christian, intentionally-diverse church based in Asheville, North Carolina that officially launched in November 2021. Our mission- "Bringing hope, help, and reconciliation through Christ!" To learn more or to support our ministry, visit our website at ............. #HopeHelpAndReconciliation #HopeCityFellowship #PastorJazzionCathcart #JazzCathcart
"Become ONE with the instrument" | The Remix | Pastor Jazz Cathcart

"Become ONE with the instrument" | The Remix | Pastor Jazz Cathcart

Have you ever heard or FELT what happens when an instrumentalist has become ONE with his or her instrument? There is something incredibly POWERFUL and ENRICHING that happens when a musician aspires to do more than play a few good notes or even songs on their instrument but to become ONE with that thang... to make that thang SING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It can give hope, and lift an entire ATMOSPHERE... It can inspire dreams and minister to the heart, mind, and soul. It's powerful. And it's beautiful. The Apostle Paul told the Romans that there is one instrument that EVERY follower of Jesus should learn and aspire to MASTER... and in doing so, they will enrich, beautify, and bless themselves, others, and the world... That is what he called the instrument of...RIGHTEOUSNESS. And truthfully, in doing so, we learn that we are allowing God Himself to sit in front of us and play the music of Heaven through us to beautify and enrich the world. Passage: Romans 6:1-14 Points: 1) Romans 2) Real 3) Reverse ................. If this message adds value to your life, hit that like button, subscribe, and share with someone you care about. May God BLESS you! Hope City Sermons is a ministry of Hope City Fellowship, an authentically Christian, intentionally-diverse church based in Asheville, North Carolina that officially launched in November 2021. Our mission- "Bringing hope, help, and reconciliation through Christ!" To learn more or to support our ministry, visit our website at ............. #HopeHelpAndReconciliation #HopeCityFellowship #PastorJazzionCathcart #JazzCathcart
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